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02 December 2013

Mixed emotions today.

Decided yesterday, as I am now only have 50,000 words to go to the highest peak, I would make a first bid attempt for the summit of a million words by Christmas Day. The second beyond by New Year’s Day, then mid January and last beginning of February. Yes … 2,302 words written so far over two days so in line with mid January deadline.  Even my least ambitious deadline in February requires me to average over 750 words a day, the average since I started. It will be an interesting test to see if the thrill of the chase produces poor quality work or inspired work. 

Tony Riches of the Writing Desk web site completed his 50,000 words in November as part of the National November Writing Month challenge. So if he can perhaps I should be able to do so ... I did 50,000 words when on a roll in January 2013 so here goes again to end the year as I started.

Last week I did a 2,200 word piece I felt well up to the best I have produced before. The technique I think is to mull some subject areas around for a few days and then set to and write to the topic is exhausted.

Perhaps I need something to give me a buzz as disappointment today. I did a short story entry for Costa Coffee 2013 and it took me some time to do and I even had it looked at by my friend Calvin. I knew it would be a very long shot, but there is always a small bead of hope. Looking at the six shortlisted I know my story did not fit the mainstream which the stories all appear to do.

Looking at the hit rate statistics on the Allrighters' web site a definite pattern emerges closely related to promotional activity.  One has to keep the fire stoked up to keep the hits going and this takes time I can ill afford to spend if trying to achieve difficult creative writing targets. Despite some really high hit rates connected with web contributions Ywnwab! sales remain slow. Even John Braine said short stories are difficult to get away.

Went to the Good Food Show on Friday wearing my Ywnwab! T shirt. At least one person stopped me and asked for details of the book, but I failed to conclude a sale. Shame.

Best wishes and wrap up warm for the weekend.
