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28 January 2014

Post million word reflections

After passing my million draft words target last Sunday the first action has been to give the Allrighters a few days holiday from writing. It has been quite nice not to have the pressure of writing so many words a day. Like most holidays the intent does not quite turn out like that ... I have had to write e mails and letters of complaint about slow broadband and also a letter to a national daily about a blood boiling report over the weekend. I have always found writing letters to the press a useful exercise in composition and proof that friends and enemies do read the letters pages.

I really need at least six months to clear the house of all the wreckage from the million word writing challenge. The Allrighters have so many bad habits. The deferred repairs, decorating, piles of paper, piles of read, half read and books still to be read and other things left while writing on and on. The problem is inclination - it is far more fun writing than doing housework!

My first priority is to check again that I have all the million words backed up. An old file failed to open a couple of weeks ago. I keep my fingers crossed this was an exception.

The second task is to read and print off everything I have written to annotate what more needs to be done ... filling in gaps in the stories ... self editing and also to cross check inconsistencies in different stories about the same subjects.

The third task is to set out a methodical approach to self editing and then get on with it. I do want to have all my writing self edited by 31st May 2015 ... five years after I started writing.

I will need to go through all those paper cuttings and read all those notes I made ... will I be able to read my handwriting and did I write enough to enable me to grasp that precious thought again? I fear the worst on both counts.

Then the likely diversions:-

I have various small books, as follow ups to Ywnwab! on the stocks. A Winter Story Book, a book on Postcards from Wales, a book for Reading in the Little Room and another about my Sailing Experiences. All will cost much time and money to produce and not sell well.

My first long book - "Look no touch" with its top shelf cover (when I can find someone brave enough to pose in red shoes and little else) is virtually freestanding and 90% complete so I could make a big push to complete and publish.

After deciding once I started writing not to go the traditional publishing route when reading Helen Corner's description of the process in How to Write a Blockbuster I have been wondering whether to at least give the process a try. 

Helen also said writing children's books is very hard. So I have made a start and quite like the process having worked out a suitably unusual, care free and mysterious main character Blossom to strike fear into all my potential young readers! Blossam is well linked back into my main books.

No doubt there will be more diversions on the way ...

I ramble on too much as usual. 

Douglas of the Allrighters

26 January 2014

Editing the next big mountain to climb

Starting from the 1st February 2014 the huge task of self editing our million draft words will begin in earnest. About a third of the draft words will have been subject to either professional or self editing already.

I do not approach the self editing task or scrutiny of professional editing with as much enthusiasm as I do my own original creative writing. From a very timely post by Sam Merry on the subject in the January 2014 Authors online newsletter I am not alone in having these feelings of reluctance. I have responded to Sam and will post a refined version of these Allrighters' comments in a later post.

Douglas of the Allrighters.

Allrighters’ millionth word written on Sunday 26th January 2014.

Subject to audit – you must be joking, the millionth draft word is WONDERFUL.

We should have been out on a nine mile day walk today, but not in today’s torrential rain and cold wind.

Watched Rafael Nadal being beaten by Stanislas Wawrinka in the Australian Tennis Open instead.

England fail again in one day cricket.

What is the scale of a million words?

Time taken 1,336 days instead of the original target of 1,096 days.

Average writing 748.5 words a day … a bit of a fade from a target of 750 words a day. Exactly 2,000 words short, at the end due to other family celebrations this month

114,048 words of overheads – technical matters, reviews, different book endings, web site writing, marketing, blogging and progress monitoring. Higher than the 10% I set myself.

The rest 895,952 draft words to be converted into some 15 to 20 long books where starts and endings have been written and many middles and 15 short fiction and non fiction books. Completion will require at least another 250,000 words to fill in the gaps.

How does it feel?

Strange almost an anticlimax … until I get some fizzy alcohol inside me!

Ahh ….

That’s better!

In physical terms if Ywnwab! Is 20,000 words ( not all our own) then a million of Allrighters’ draft words would represent 50 copies of Ywnwab! or a pile of books some 35cm high weighing 10 kilograms or ten standard bags of sugar. There are ten copies on my lap in the picture. So a long way to go if I decide to, and can afford to, print all the final books. I am sure I could find 35cm of shelf space … a disappointingly small amount of shelf space compared to all the other books I have scattered around the house.

E books take up much less room! A million = 100,000 KB in word format and 250,000 KB in Kindle format.

Alfred Wainwright, another Municipal Turf Accountant planned all his Lake District Walk Books over many years with his walks and writing completed on time. I am only 240 days late after 31/5/13!

I now have many more close friends in fantasy with my main characters Henry, Henrietta, Alexander, Florence, Kathrynne, Jeccica, Ann, Leonid, Fleur, Douglas, Sabrina, Freddie, Khris, Martin, Richard, Wil, Harry, Victor,. Celestic, Maladi, The Queen of Chimeristan, Dr Moriati, Mrs Kustard and the Prim Lady.

Plus in real life all those writers and poets I have met or been in contact with around the world.

Thanks to you all for your encouragement and support.

Douglas of the Allrighters.

[Note - this piece to be the entry for 26th January in Little Room ReadingMichaelmas to Lady Day to be published in time for Christmas 2014. In the book I have 90 slots to fill so if you wish to contribute a 300 word story please let me know.] 

01 January 2014

Reflections and Resolutions

Well that’s 2013 done and over.


Overall a satisfactory and rewarding year of writing activity.


The Allrighters’ are within 18,000 words of passing a million draft words despite not reaching the million by Christmas Day or the year end due to bad weather, too much food and drink and other distractions. We have really surprised ourselves with progress since June 2010. Goethe is right, all you have to do is start and doors do open. A web site is up and running, thanks to Peter Richards. Running the site does take up creative writing time. Several draft books written by others have been read and comments given by us as readers.

Our own reading exceeded five million words in 2013 reading at least one book a week. A selection of Allrighters’ books of the year is to follow as some wonderful reading in December needs to be digested. We made over 130 Amazon book review comments.

A first book Ywnwab! published by Allrighters’ in September 2013 and the self publishing cycle ridden and tested. Minimal sales, but hardly a surprise given short stories are not great sellers and enormous competition.

Worked with a wonderful local writing group and found a close writing buddy. After each meeting came away with a spring in our steps. Also with other supporters in the Allrighters’ and many other contacts in the UK and abroad. Joined a writer's group in Colorado USA this week!

Made several web postings on other’s sites. Hundreds of helpful web posts by others read and digested. 

Someone said writing children’s books is much harder than writing for adults so we have made a start with a new character Blossom.

Thanks to everyone for their support during 2013.

Now for 2014

May I wish you all the best for the New Year in life and writing.

My New Year resolutions – already ripe for breaking!

  • Concentrate on creative writing of at least 750 words a day and completion of self editing and restructuring of at least twelve draft books or 700,000 words ready for external editing.
  • Resist temptation to rush to self publish more books, given the time it takes for each. Leave this to 2015.
  • Break previous resolution not to even try going the traditional agent’s publishing route by trying to get our book Look away and maybe a Blossom book as well. The challenge is proving hard to resist and our skin is hard enough to resist rejection … we hope.
  • Enjoy local writing group and contact with other writers.
  • Do a web post or short story entry every two weeks.
  • Continue to read at least one book a week. Try to read and comment on other writer’s draft books.
  • Be more selective in receiving and reading others web posts. A new one added this morning - with a good post on her blog - brain surgery for writers - about editing.
  • Continue exploration of different genres and writing styles especially children’s books with Blossom.
More than enough for writing.

Others - Improve our hand writing a hardy annual never achieved.

Play more piano. Another hardy annual.  Feel sad about this one ... want to, but practice claims too much time ... the following is all rather melancholic as well but maybe we will try and learn to play it. Perhaps slow enough for old fingers and brain ... In our fantasy dreams playing is all so easy! Did offer to loan our piano out over Christmas ... but we have now changed our minds.  ... First section

Good writing and life to you all.

The Allrighters, Douglas and Alexander