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23 July 2014

Back to France where our writing started.

Two weeks reading, drafting web posts and some self editing in warm days and evenings. Our host in France is urging us to produce another Ywnwab! We have given the matter some thought and perhaps After Ywnwab! a similar 30 short story-book to Ywnwab! will emerge. Any readers of this post who wish to contribute please let us know. We already have lots of draft material.

The sheer effort and hard work of preparing and publishing another book while trying to work up all the draft words we wrote up to January 2014 is proving a block. Perhaps this is Publishers Block

The highlight of the last few weeks has been finding a book by J K Rowling we enjoy reading. Well two books - Cookoo's Calling and Silkworm. From a reading viewpoint good news but from a writing perspective all rather depressing as we feel our writing has a long way to go if these books are taken as examples of stories well told. The books are too long and as several reviewers say the plots could be tightened up. However, to us some of the individual scenes are wonderful writing and could be set book for writers material for the Allrighters. 

In contact with several writing contemporaries who also published their first books last year and planned to publish second books by now and haven't confirms the publishing effort is considerable.   

TIPM monthly posts are up and running with the third due early in August. This has been a useful exercise in examining what writing and reading are all about for the Allrighters.

Also during the last few weeks visits to a local printing works running nearly 24/7 using a £2m litho based press, attendance at the RIAT and Farnborough Airshows and a first visit to Lords Cricket ground last Monday. Pity about the cricket.  For something completely different a once in a lifetime Fat Duck experience. We now need to sell many books to pay the bill!

Good reading and writing to you all

The Allrighters.